Maybe you’ve had trouble hiring staff to cover the holiday rush. Or perhaps your organization is struggling because of vacant positions or unexpected leaves of absence. No matter what your situation is, you’re probably racking your brain trying to think of ways to find qualified staffers without wasting precious time or money.
Luckily, a staffing agency can be the solution. You may be skeptical about the quality of staffing agencies, but the right one can be a game changer. Here’s the top reasons why you should hire a staffing agency:
The hiring process isn’t as simple as quickly reviewing a resume and hiring someone the very next day. When a position needs to be filled, you have to review hundreds of applications and resumes, narrow down who you want to talk to, qualify those candidates over the phone, conduct background checks, and more. This takes a lot of resources and is highly inefficient.
A staffing agency that specializes in the positions you’re hiring for can handle all of that for you. A qualified staffing agency can vet candidates for you and recommend the best one for the job, saving you significant time and energy.
When you’re told you need to find someone to fill a vacant position as quickly as possible, you’re oftentimes starting at the very beginning. Besides the amount of time this takes, it also takes a lot of money and resources.
Staffing agencies provide a great shortcut because they already have a well-built network of staffers waiting for you to call. No matter if you’re in construction, manufacturing, or hospitality, the right staffing agency will have a deep pool of high-quality candidates to fill your needs quickly.
Let’s face it. Hiring new staff members is not the only responsibility you have in your HR department. But when you’re given the pressing task to hire a new employee by a specific deadline, all other priorities take a backseat.
Since staffing agencies handle a lot of the heavy lifting in your hiring process, that frees up a lot of time for you to focus on other tasks that you may have been neglecting. Not only does this help you cross items off your to-do list, it also helps you look good to your superiors!
Temporary staffing doesn’t have to be a headache. We’ve been in the temporary staffing business for over two decades and know that the most important part is ensuring that both parties understand what is needed in your employees. A high-quality staffing agency will be a true partner, keeping your goals and interests top of mind. Give us a call to see if we’re the right solution for you or fill out our form for more information.
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